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Submission Guidelines

  • An event is something that takes place during a date, time and location and provides interaction for an individual to participate.

  • There is an audience for and a reasonable interest in the event.

  • Event must be open to the public & participants are not required to be members in order to attend.

  • The calendar is not intended to serve as reminder of membership’s regular activities.

  • If tickets are required, they must be available at a physical location, online, or provide specific contact name & number.

  • In the case of sales-type events, the calendar will allow certain events where the scope of the event benefits multiple vendors and thus has a larger appeal to the online calendar audience.

  • Organized charitable events will be reviewed upon submission.

  • There may be occasions where events may not fit guidelines, but appear for the purpose of allowing the community to plan appropriately. 


  • The Valley City Community Calendar reserves the right to accept or deny placement of events onto the calendar.

  • The Valley City Community Calendar remains unbiased in political and public issues and serves as a public resource to inform the community about these events.


We would like to extend a huge thank you to the Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation as our marketing for the Valley City Calendar was made possible by the SVCF and their Innovative Micro Grant. 


For more information about this grant and the SVCF, please click here. 

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